
How It Works

Application Phase

During this phase, teams will form and will apply through the website. You should utilize the idea sharing site to create a multidisciplinary team. After you apply we will invite you to meet with us to allow us to get to know your team and answer any questions about the program. Our application process is not competitive. Once your team applies you are in!

Skill-Building Phase

This includes learning the methods, tools, and techniques of a design process and learning the art of storytelling to embolden you to tell the story of how you plan to create a better world. Your team will put your new skills into practice and actively engage in human-centered design practice, pivots, research, and so on. This is an intense but fun learning experience and best of all will be valuable in your future, no matter what you do.

Showcase Your Innovation

This final, energizing event provides an opportunity for your team to show what you’ve learned throughout the competition. Your team will pitch your idea to an experts panel. Awards will be given to the teams that demonstrate the best innovation and learning. Cash prizes will go to the top ideas!